Alberta Métis Fest Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan

Emergency Procedures

In case of a medical emergency, please locate the nearest First Aid station or notify a staff member immediately for assistance. There are two dedicated First Aid stations on site. One located next to the food trucks, which can be found near to the area by the Cultural Gathering Center. The other by the Artisan Market near the Campground. You can also speak to any staff member, and they will find a first aid supplier for you.

If there is a fire or other life-threatening situation, please alert an event staff member and  follow the instructions provided by event staff and proceed to the designated evacuation areas as directed.

Stay calm and assist others as needed, especially those who may require assistance, such as children, elderly individuals, or individuals with disabilities.

Evacuation Plan

In the event of an evacuation, announcements will be made over the public address system and via other communication channels, providing instructions on the evacuation routes and assembly points.

Follow the designated evacuation routes to the nearest safe assembly point, where attendance will be taken to ensure everyone is accounted for.

Event staff and emergency personnel will be on hand to provide assistance and guidance throughout the evacuation process.


Stay informed by paying attention to announcements, signage, and instructions from event staff.

Additional information and updates will be provided via the Alberta Metis Fest website, social media channels, and other communication channels as necessary.

Your Cooperation is Essential

We kindly ask all attendees to familiarize themselves with the emergency procedures and evacuation routes outlined above and to cooperate fully with event staff and emergency personnel in the event of an emergency.

Your safety is our priority, and together, we can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone at Alberta Metis Fest.

Alberta Métis Fest

When is the 6th Annual Alberta Métis Fest?

Join us at Métis Crossing on June 21 – 22 for our 6th Annual Alberta Métis Fest!

Where is Alberta Métis Fest taking place?

Métis Crossing: 17339 Victoria Trail, Smoky Lake, AB T0A 3C0

Do I need to be a citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta to attend Alberta Métis Fest?

All are welcome! You are not required to be a citizen to attend. This year’s Alberta Métis Fest will allow for both Métis and non-Métis alike to gather, share stories, and experience all that Métis Crossing has to offer. We would love for you to attend and experience this amazing event with us.

What is happening on Friday, June 21st, 2024?

Our first event on Friday will start at 4:00pm, and is nothing other than bingo! Please join us for dinner, which will be a wonderful fish fry! After dinner, we will spend the evening enjoying our Open Mic Night! Be sure to sign up! Please see the agenda for more information.

What is happening on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024?

Starting at 10:00 am, guests will be entertained by Métis Performers! Guests can also participate in cultural activities, children and youth activities, door prizes and visit the Artisan Market. Be sure to enter the jigging competition to win some cash prizes! After the FREE bison dinner, the evening will include a jigging performance, Living Fiddle Legends showcase, and live music! Please see the agenda for more information.

When is the jigging competition and what are the age groups?

The jigging competition will take place on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024, from 3:30pm-4:30pm. The age groups for the jigging competition are as follows: 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-59, 60+

What are the rules for the Jigging Contest?

See the full list of rules HERE.

Will there be children’s activities available?

Yes! Family activities include face painting, balloon artist, art table, spoon jam, bubble party, and so much more! Children must always be accompanied by a supervising adult.

Will there be youth activities available?

Yes! Youth activities will include dot art, embroidery, lawn games, finger weaving, and more! All activities will be drop in, and don’t require prior sign up.

Can I come for one day?

Absolutely, please join us whenever works for you!

What are my food options?

Food Trucks and food services will be on site for guests to purchase their own meals and refreshments. Please join us on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024, at 5:00pm for a FREE bison dinner. It is recommended to bring your own snacks and refreshments as well.

Where can I stay?

There will be camping available at Métis Crossing, please contact Métis Crossing directly to book a spot. Camping spots at Métis Crossing will become open to the public on May 31st, 2024. Accommodations within Smoky Lake are limited; therefore, it is recommended to reach out to hotels within Fort Saskatchewan, Edmonton, and surrounding areas to book accommodations.

Will citizens receive mileage if they attend the 6th Annual Alberta Métis Fest?

Unfortunately, citizens will not receive mileage for attending this event.

What should I bring?

Please dress for the weather. Feel free to bring a lawn chair, water bottle, sunscreen, hat, and any additional apparel you require.

Is this a pet friendly event?

As we look to protect the permaculture at Métis Crossing, please adhere to the following rules related to pets:

    • No animals are permitted in the Métis Crossing Cultural Interpretive Centre, Deck, or all lands east of the Campsite entry access road.
    • Pets are welcome and permitted only within the Campsite of Métis Crossing.
    • Pets are not permitted near or within the Comfort Camping Trapper tent sites.
    • Pets are not permitted at Métis Crossing canoe launch beach.
    • Pets must always be kept on a leash no more than 2M in length.

Where can I park?

Parking will be available in the overflow field across from Métis Crossing. Parking is free for all guests.

Are there ATMs available?

There will be an ATM on site. It is recommended that guests bring cash or other payment options.

Are washrooms on site?

Yes, washrooms, including accessible, will be available on site.

Is the event indoors or outdoors?

Weather permitting the 6th Annual Alberta Métis Fest will take place entirely outdoors. If the weather does not allow the event to go ahead outdoors, everything will be moved inside the Gathering Centre at Métis Crossing.

Will the 6th Annual Alberta Métis Fest go ahead if it is raining?

Yes, rain or shine the 6th Annual Alberta Métis Fest will take place.

I have additional questions, who can I contact?

Please email us at or reach out on social media @ABMetisYouth.

Medical Travel Program

How far in advance do I need to apply for hotel accommodations?

Requests for accommodations cannot be made more than 60 days in advance of a medical appointment and no less than 7 days before. This program is not intended for emergency accommodations. If you or an immediate family member is experiencing a medical emergency, you may still apply, however, we cannot guarantee the application will be processed on short notice.

What can I be reimbursed for, other than transportation costs?

Parking costs associated with travel to a medical appointment can be reimbursed with  receipts up to a maximum of $40 per appointment. This rate was based on the average cost to purchase a weeklong parking pass at most Alberta medical hospitals.

Can you pay for my hotel instead?

No, we cannot cover privately booked hotel costs through this program. The Otipemisiwak Government will book eligible participants to stay at select hotels that they have direct billing accounts with.

I paid out of pocket for accommodations. Can you reimburse me?

No, for this program we cannot cover personal accommodation expenditures.

How long does it take to get reimbursed?

Cheques can sometimes take up to a month or more to be processed and mailed by the Otipemisiwak Métis Government.

Métis Rights & Governance

How do I learn more about Métis self-government in Alberta?

The Métis Nation within Alberta has a long history of organizing and political participation. Since the end of the 19th century, Métis in Alberta have stood together and pressed governments to respect our Métis rights and treat our claims fairly. Learn more about this ongoing fight and the milestones we’ve reached on our Self-Government website.

Why does the Métis Nation of Alberta need a constitution?

A constitution is an essential tool for self-government. A constitution acts as a rule book, clearly defining how any government, Aboriginal or otherwise, will operate and what powers it has. When the constitutions of Aboriginal governments are recognized by other levels of government—federal and provincial—they provide the legitimacy and legal tools we need to respond to our citizens’ needs and provide appropriate services. Learn more about constitutions and why it is important for the Métis Nation of Alberta to create and adopt our own.

Why is self-government important for the Métis Nation within Alberta?

Self-determination and self-government are inherent rights of all Indigenous people. Prior to Canada’s westward expansion into the Métis Nation Homeland, we governed ourselves in keeping with our own traditions. Collectively, we asserted ourselves as a nation—the Métis Nation. But Canada’s colonial policies and institutions denied our nationhood, uprooted us from our lands, and restricted many of the practices that are fundamental to our Métis culture. The Métis Nation of Alberta has struggled for decades to have our right to self-government recognized and respected. By finally achieving this sovereignty, we will regain control over matters directly affecting us and ensure Métis culture flourishes for generations. We will be empowered to remedy the effects of colonialism in our community. The time has come for the full recognition of the Métis Nation within Alberta’s right to govern. Learn more.

What is the National definition of Métis?

Definition: “Métis means a person who self-identifies as Metis, is distinct from other Aboriginal peoples, is of historic Métis Nation Ancestry and who is accepted by the Métis Nation”

Historical Proof: refers to evidence of an ancestor who received a land grant or a scrip granted under the Manitoba Act or the Dominion Lands Act, or who was recognized as Métis in other government, church or community records.

Historic Métis Nation: refers to the Aboriginal people then known as Métis or half-breeds who resided in the Historic Métis Nation Homeland.

Historic Métis Nation Homeland: the area of land in west-central North America used and occupied as the traditional territory of the Métis or Half-breeds as they were then known.

Métis Nation: means Aboriginal people descended from the Historic Métis Nation, which is now comprised of all Métis Nation peoples and is one of the “aboriginal peoples of Canada” within the meaning of s.35 of the Constitution Act 1982.

Distinct from other Aboriginal peoples: means distinct for cultural and nationhood purpose.

What are Métis rights?

All Métis and Indigenous people are born with inherent rights. An inherent right is a collective right of all Métis that stems from the community’s connection to the land. These rights cannot be taken away, although they are often unrecognized by other levels of government.

Inherent rights include:

  • rights to the land
  • rights to subsistence resources and activities
  • the right to self-determination and self-government
  • the right to practice one’s own culture and customs, including language and religion.


What is QuitCore?

QuitCore is a free group support program that provides Métis individuals with the tools, strategies, and skills they need to reduce or quit their tobacco use. It also provides an opportunity to share and connect with other MNA citizens who are trying to achieve similar tobacco-related goals. QuitCore consists of six sessions, occurring once a week for about 90 minutes. Topics covered include: tobacco cessation techniques, stress management, nutrition and physical exercise, individual goal planning, and relapse prevention. Our Community Prevention Practitioner (CPP) and an AHS co-facilitator facilitate these sessions of up to 20 individuals.

What is the difference between the MNA’s QuitCore and the Alberta Health Services (AHS) QuitCore program?

Our QuitCore is based on AHS’ QuitCore program. It has been adapted to be culturally safe and relevant to the Métis community, and is only offered to Métis Albertans.

What do I need to use Zoom?

To use Zoom, you will need:

  • Video camera, either built into your device or a separate webcam (most modern computers, smartphones, and tablets have this built in)
  • Microphone, either built into your device or in the webcam (most modern computers, smartphones, and tablets have this built in), or a phone
  • A broadband internet connection.

If I already reduced my tobacco use, will I still get something out of this program?

Certainly. The nice thing about QuitCore is that it covers a variety of topics, not just tobacco. QuitCore recognizes that tobacco use is a complex behaviour that involves many factors. For example, we learn about nutrition and diet, physical activity and exercise, and stress management, which are all areas that may help you achieve your tobacco-related health goals with greater long-term success.

What will I be asked to do?

If you choose to register for the MNA Virtual QuitCore program, you will be asked to:

  • Join a group of Métis Albertans who are interested in making a change related to their tobacco use
  • Voluntarily contribute to group discussions or talking circles
  • Attend six 90-minute virtual (online) sessions over the course of six weeks. However, it is not mandatory to attend every session, and you can cancel your registration at any time
  • Take reasonable measures to respect the confidentiality and privacy of other participants

Application Information

How do I register as a Métis citizen?

In addition to meeting the National definition of Métis,
you must also submit the following documents:

  1. Family Tree
  2. Birth Certificate
  3. Identification
  4. Proof of Residency

Find the application form here.

Do you need to be a resident of Alberta to apply for MNA citizenship?

  • Yes, applicants must be a permanent resident of Alberta (minimum 90 consecutive days).
  • You will need to prove permanent residency in Alberta with one (1) of the following:
    • Alberta driver’s license;
    • Three (3) months of utility bills (mobile phone records will not be accepted);
    • Vehicle insurance and;
    • Mortgage or rental lease agreement.

What happens during the application process?

  1. Applicant (This is You)
    Brings completed forms to intake.
  2. Intake Officer
    Ensures forms are complete and sends them to the Registry Agent
  3. Registry Agent
    Prepares documents and family tree to send to Genealogist
  4. Genealogist
    Reviews family tree and sends to Registrar
  5. Registrar
    Authorizes citizenship card
  6. You’re Now a Citizen
    When application is successful you will receive your citizenship card

Where do I request birth documents from?

You can request birth documents from the Vital Statistics Department of the province you were born in. Please ensure requested documents show parentage. Born in Alberta, we can order the birth document. Fill out the form.

Where can I access application packages to become a Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) Citizen?

I have completed my application package. Now what?

Before your application is processed, it needs to be commissioned.

  1. I live in Edmonton
    Bring all completed forms and required documents to the MNA Provincial Head Office in Edmonton to get your application commissioned.
  2. I don’t live in Edmonton
    Bring all completed forms and required documents to your nearest district office to get your application commissioned.
    Once all forms have been commissioned at your nearest regional office, completed application packages can be mailed to head office on your behalf, or dropped off in-person to Métis Nation of Alberta
    ATTN: Registry
    #100, 11738 Kingsway NW
    Edmonton, AB T5G 0X5

I am having trouble filling out my family tree. Where can I go for help?

The Genealogy Research Centre staff are available to assist with completion of family trees for application purposes.

  • To book an appointment or for more information on your family tree and ancestry, please call:
  • Phone: (780) 455-2200
  • Toll-Free: 1-800-252-7553

Can I reference the genealogical information of a family member for my application purposes?

If the family member gave consent during their application process you can reference their genealogical information. You still must complete your family tree to the ancestor you both have in common. Please include the full name of the family member you are referencing as well as their relationship to you, on the bottom of your family tree.

If I am a Settlement member can I also apply for an MNA card?

Anyone who is a resident of Alberta can apply. This includes Settlement members.

Can I get my forms commissioned somewhere other than the Métis Nation of Alberta?

You can get your forms commissioned at any of the following places:

  1. Registries
  2. Insurance Agencies
  3. Lawyers
    Please note, fees may apply for the above.

My Métis card was lost or stolen, how do I get a replacement card?

  • To request a replacement card, please call the head office at 780-455-2200.
  • The cost of a replacement card is $40.00 (cash, debit or money order accepted).
  • Depending on your original application, there may be forms that need to be re-signed.
  • You can choose to take a new photo at this time.
  • It can take up to six weeks to receive a replacement card

How do I update my address with the MNA?

  • Fill out the Change of Address Form
  • You may be contacted by a registry agent for more information.
  • Mail your completed change of address form to:
    • Métis Nation of Alberta
      ATTN: Registry
      #100, 11738 Kingsway NW
      Edmonton, AB T5G 0X5



  • Visit the head office and complete your change of address form with a registry agent.


Where am I able to harvest?

Through your application process, you will have to show historical (pre-1900s) and contemporary connection to a defined Métis Harvesting Area. Please click here to see the Métis Harvesting Area maps:

  1. Harvesting Area Mosaic
  2. Harvesting Area A
  3. Harvesting Area B
  4. Harvesting Area C
  5. Harvesting Area D
  6. All Harvesting Areas

When can I start harvesting?

Approved harvesters can harvest year-round; however, there are yearly fishing closures, most of which are April 1 to May 14 annually. Stay informed by regularly checking the current Domestic Fishing Licence regulations [pdf].

As with traditional Métis harvesting practices, we encourage you to consider sustainable and responsible harvesting and fishing methods for future generations. This includes not harvesting any females (cow or doe) and young between the months of January through July.

Where do I find the Métis Harvesting in Alberta Policy?

The Government of Alberta’s policy on Métis Harvesting can be viewed online.

If you have questions not listed in the FAQs section, please contact the Harvesting team by email at

When can I apply for my Métis Harvester Identification Card?

The effective date for this new system started on September 1, 2019. You can apply now for you harvesting card.

How long is the Métis Harvester Identification Card valid?

The Métis Harvester Identification Card is valid for the life of the Métis citizen.

I am not currently a citizen of the MNA, what does the harvesting policy mean for me?

This Métis Harvesting Agreement only applies to citizens of the Métis Nation of Alberta. If you self-identify as Métis and have historical Métis ancestry, you can apply to become an MNA citizen.

What if I already applied for a Harvester Identification Card but am waiting for my MNA citizenship card?

Until each current applicant is accepted as an MNA citizen, the MNA cannot process your application to be identified as a Métis Harvester under the Métis Harvesting Agreement. You will have to apply for your Métis Harvester Identification Sticker after receiving your MNA citizenship card.

How long is my harvesting letter from the Government of Alberta valid?

All questions regarding Alberta’s harvesting letters should be directed to the Government of Alberta.

If I have a harvesting letter from the Government of Alberta, do I pre-qualify for the Métis Harvester Identification Card?

No. You will have to apply for a Métis Harvester Identification Card with the MNA.

What if I live on a Métis Settlement, but I am not a citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta?

This implementation process relates only to the citizens of the Métis Nation of Alberta. You will need to contact the Métis Settlement General Council to find out about their process or contact the Government of Alberta.

Is there a limit to the amount of harvesting areas I can have a connection to?

No. However, you need to show both historical and contemporary connection to each harvesting area. Through the MNA Harvester Identification Card application process, one must show pre-1900 family roots as well as a contemporary connection in the respective harvesting area(s). Potentially, an MNA citizen can connect to two, three, or all harvesting areas, if they can prove the area connection requirements.

Can family members (e.g. partner) who are not Métis harvest under my harvesting rights?

No, the Métis Harvesting Agreement and Policy solely applies to approved harvesters who are citizens of the Métis Nation of Alberta.

Where do I get my Métis Harvester Identification Card?

Similar to the MNA citizenship application process, the Métis Harvester Identification Card application process will be based out of the provincial office in Edmonton. Our Registry and Harvesting teams will also travel the province to help with applications and provide information.

If you are about to apply for MNA Citizenship, you will be able to apply for the Métis Harvester Identification Card simultaneously.

How do I show historical and contemporary connection to a harvesting area?

To show the connection to a harvesting area, through the MNA harvester application process, one must show a pre-1900 ancestral connection to the Métis Harvesting Area(s) in the Métis Harvesting in Alberta Policy (2018). Potentially, an MNA citizen can connect to two, three, or all harvesting areas.

How to show historical and contemporary connections to harvesting areas:

  • Pre-1900 ancestral connection must be shown by genealogical history, including where ancestors lived and when they lived there. The MNA is currently enhancing our database and registration process to assist MNA Citizens with establishing their ancestral connection to the Métis Harvesting Areas.
  • Contemporary connection to the same Métis Harvesting Area must be shown through compliance with the MNA’s policy on contemporary community acceptance.

Southern Alberta is not included in the updated policy, why not? What is the plan?

A previous court decision has found that Métis do not have harvesting rights in the Cypress Hills area. Alberta feels bound by these decisions and unable to recognize Métis harvesting rights in the Treaty 7 area at this time. The MNA strongly disagrees and continues to fight for the recognition of Métis harvesting rights in the south.

The Métis Harvesting Agreement includes several wins for MNA Region 3:

  • For the first time, Alberta recognizes Métis harvesting rights in the north of Region 3, particularly around Rocky Mountain House;
  • MNA members living in Region 3 will be able to harvest in central and northern Alberta if they can show a historical and contemporary connect there; and
  • Alberta has committed to further discussions regarding the recognition of Métis harvesting rights in the south. Until now, Alberta had refused to discuss Métis harvesting in southern Alberta. With this agreement, that has changed.

Emergency Preparedness

Who is eligible for an Emergency Preparedness Kit?

Registered Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) Citizens can apply for one emergency preparedness kit per household. Priority will be given to MNA Citizens in rural communities. This is to target individuals and families who may be in more vulnerable positions, such as living in areas with less or no access to emergency services, shelter, or could be affected by long emergency response times.

How is “rural” defined?

“Rural” means living in isolated areas with smaller populations where emergency services cannot quickly respond due to distance. Rural can also be defined as not having easy access to city utilities such as water and gas, or not being within walking distance of essentials such as stores, gas stations, hospitals, or public transportation.

How is “vulnerable” defined?

“Vulnerable” refers to individuals living in areas with less or no access to emergency services. Vulnerability also includes factors such as mobility/disability issues, having small children, and/or elderly relatives in the household.

How long will it take to process my application and ship my Emergency Preparedness Kit?

The application form closed February 26, 2023. The MNA will only reach out to those selected for a kit to confirm mailing addresses are correct and eligible for shipping at the beginning of March. Total Prepare will begin shipments in early to mid May.

Shipping will NOT be possible to P.O. boxes or rural road (RGE RD/TWP) mailing addresses due to the size, weight, and cost of the kits. Kits will require a signature upon delivery.

Who is Total Prepare?

Total Prepare is a Canadian-owned and -operated emergency preparedness solutions company based out of Victoria, B.C. Their motto is for everybody to “be prepared, not scared” when it comes to emergency situations, arming their customers with hearty long-lasting food, water, and emergency equipment. Testing their supplies regularly, Total Prepare stands by their products 100 per cent.

What is included in the Emergency Preparedness Kit?

The kits can accommodate up to six people for 72 hours. The contents cannot be modified. Each kit includes supplies to help with nourishment, water, heat, lighting, and first aid supplies, including a Pocket Emergency Plan that recipients can fill out with important emergency response phone numbers and any important medical information.

Personal items such as prescriptions with medications and dosages listing ingredients, and physician names for each person should also be written in the Pocket Emergency Plan. Additional copies of the Pocket Emergency Plan and extra resources are available on the Total Prepare website.

Emergency Preparedness Kit Contents:

  • 6 food bars
  • 36 drinking water pouches
  • 6 hooded ponchos
  • 6 sleeping bags
  • 1 pair of work gloves
  • 3 pairs of hand/foot warmers
  • 6 light sticks
  • nylon safety rope (50 feet)
  • duct tape (10 yards)
  • bath/toiletry packs
  • 2 rolls of toilet paper
  • dust masks
  • hand-crank flashlight radio
  • 5 flashlights
  • (3) 2-person tube tents
  • Emergency Preparedness Guidebook
  • multi-function army knife
  • whistle
  • waterproof matches
  • single wick 40-hour emergency candle
  • aqua tabs
  • foldable water container
  • first aid kit (contents listed below)


First Aid Kit Contents:

  • bandages (6 varied sizes)
  • gauze pads (2 sizes)
  • abdominal gauze (ABD) pads
  • roller gauze
  • cotton tip applicators
  • medical tape
  • tweezers
  • cold pack
  • scissors
  • tongue depressor
  • nylon bag
  • nitrile gloves
  • alcohol wipes

What should I know about Emergency Preparedness Kits?

The purpose of an emergency response kit is to support a family’s immediate needs in the first hours and days after an emergency. Being prepared for the first hours in any emergency is crucial to survival. In Alberta, emergencies can include, but are not limited to: landslides, earthquakes, tornadoes, hail, wildfires, extreme temperatures, strong wind storms, and general power outages.

Recipients should update their kit once a year and restock each kit after every use, including checking the expiration dates on all food and water supplies. Recipients should consider packing extra clothing and footwear, pet supplies, entertainment supplies (deck of cards, notebook etc.), and garbage bags.

Kits are intended for use in home and/or work emergency situations. For use as a vehicle kit, recipients should consider including water, food, blankets, batteries, a map, road flares, gloves, jumper cables, flashlight, shovel, phone charger, kitty litter, and de-icer.