In 1997, we took an inactive but current company (Métis Nation Productions), renamed it Métis Nation Holdings Ltd., and it now holds 100% of the shares.
Métis Nation Holdings Ltd. holds title to two properties – the MNA Provincial Office property on Kingsway Avenue and 50% of the Métis Veterans Building on 111 Avenue in Edmonton. The Métis Veterans Building is held in partnership with Apeetogosan (Métis) Development Inc. The Board of Directors for the Métis Nation Holdings is the same as the MNA Executive Office.
Come Stay With Us!
For more information, please contact us at:
Métis Nation Holdings
#100, 11738 Kingsway Avenue
Edmonton AB T5G 0X5
Tel 780-455-2200
Fax 780-452-8948
Toll-Free 1-800-252-7553