The Supports and Services Navigator (SSN) helps to direct Métis Albertans to various programs, supports, and resources appropriate to their specific needs. The SSN can provide guidance for Métis Albertans as they navigate services to ensure appropriate supports and resources are being accessed.

The Supports and Services Navigators can provide additional support in the areas of:

  • Benevolence Fund: This fund has been developed to help Métis families facing financial hardship after the recent loss of a loved one.

Otipemisiwak Métis Government Affiliate Resources

Provincial Supports & Community Resources

  • Alberta Child & Adult Health Benefits 1-877-469-5437 Low-cost private health care programs & services
  • Alberta Works 1-877-644-9992 Emergency financial assistance
  • Law Society of Alberta 1-800-661-9003 Community-based legal services
  • Mental Health Help Line 1-877-303-2642 Alberta Health Services 24/7 mental health support


Phone 780-455-2200