President Audrey Poitras speaks at Aspiring Women in Leadership & Legacy (AWiLL) Luncheon
Posted on: Sep 10, 2015
Edmonton, AB – Thursday, September 10, 2015
Aspiring Women in Leadership & Legacy (AWiLL), a new Edmonton-based organization dedicated to promoting women in leadership, hosted its inaugural Women of Wisdom (WoW) Luncheon Program this Thursday September 10th. The luncheon was a springboard event for AWiLL founded by Edmonton business owners and entrepreneurs Angela Sladen, Marnie Suitor and Shelly Anderson. The luncheon featured a panel of expert speakers including MNA President Audrey Poitras, Managing Partner of Parlee McLaws LLP, Jerri Cairns; ATB Vice President – Business & Agriculture, Teresa Clouston; and communications and public relations specialist, Fay Orr. The four leaders offered insights including how to be a good leader, how to manage the pressure that accompanies leadership, and how to remain strong in the face of adversity. This luncheon event will continue on an annual basis to inspire women to learn from the experiences of accomplished leaders.
MNA President Audrey Poitras is hopeful for the trajectory of this up-and-coming women’s advocacy organization and stated that “I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to discuss the topic of female leadership at the AWiLL Luncheon. While it is true that the gender gap is closing, equality will only be maintained if women continue to assume active leadership roles moving into the future. I embrace AWiLL’s tenet of diversity as it remains critically important to empower women of all cultural backgrounds and ensure that every woman achieves success.”
Métis Nation of Alberta is optimistic that AWiLL will provide a forum of inspiration for aspiring Métis women in all aspects of life including both personal and professional pursuits.