Métis Rights - Urgent Action Needed!
Posted on: Jun 15, 2023
Dear MNA Citizens and allies,
The Government of Canada has only a few days left to introduce and pass our Métis self-government legislation.
We need your help to ensure it happens before Parliament leaves for the summer.
Tap here to send a letter to your MP and Senator. It only takes 2 minutes. All you need to fill out is your name, email, and postal code.
Please feel free to share this with your friends and family. They do not need to be an MNA citizen to show their support for Métis rights, they just need to support reconciliation.
The Métis Nation of Alberta has been working towards this legislation for generations. This legislation is all about Métis self-government, including Métis citizenship, Métis elections, Métis governance operations, and Métis child and family services. It does not deal with land, harvesting or land-related rights. It will not have any impact on other Indigenous peoples or communities.
The Métis have been waiting for over two centuries to finally be recognized in this way and we have waited more than 40 years for Canada to fulfill their commitment to meaningfully implement Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution. We need this important legislation introduced and passed right away.