Gatineau, Quebec (June 13, 2019) – Today, the Métis Nation of Alberta met with the Prime Minister, Right Honourable Justin Trudeau and several key cabinet ministers. The meeting was an Annual Summit between the Government of Canada and the governing members of the Métis National Council (i.e. Métis Nation of Ontario, Manitoba Métis Federation, Métis Nation – Saskatchewan, and Métis Nation of British Columbia). The purpose of the Annual Summit was discussing progress and accomplishments made implementing the Canada-Métis Nation Accord over the past year as well as reviewing joint priorities for the upcoming year. Priorities identified for next year included: Education, Environment, Justice and Policing, Métis Section 35 Rights, and Youth and Sports.
Over the past year, there have been several significant agreements made between the Métis National Council, its governing members, and the Government of Canada, including: the Métis Nation Early Learning and Child Care Accord (March 2019), the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework (September 2018), the Canada-Métis Nation Housing Sub-Accord (July 2018), and Métis Nation Skills and Employment Accord (June 2018). Other important accomplishments were the Indigenous Languages Act (February 2019) and the 2019-2020 Federal Budget (March 2019), which strongly supported many Métis Nation priorities.
Additionally, the various Ministers from the Canadian Government presented on topics such as Child and Family Services, Languages, Health, Post-Secondary Education, Economic Development, Homelessness, Governance, Reconciliation, and other areas of importance to the nation.
The Métis Nation of Alberta is very proud to be have been an integral part of negotiating these various agreements with the Government of Canada and continues to be committed to upholding the inherent rights of its citizens.
Working with this federal government has been instrumental to progressing, protecting, and celebrating Métis culture, values, and history. The current government have been very supportive of addressing our social and economic development and our inherent rights as a Métis Nation. The work we have accomplished over the past four years will affect generations to come.
– Audrey Poitras, President of the Métis Nation of Alberta
Today was a very valuable exchange of information and setting future priorities. Over the past four years, the Métis Nation has had such progressive and collaborative discussions with the federal government. We look forward to continuing our important work with them.
– Dan Cardinal, Vice President of the Métis Nation of Alberta
For more information about the Métis Nation of Alberta, please visit
Media contact:
Rolando Inzunza
Director of Communications & Citizen Engagement
Métis Nation of Alberta
780-455-2200 ext. 395