Memo: Construction of Métis Cultural Gathering Centre - Opportunities for Métis Citizens/General Contractors/Suppliers
Posted on: May 17, 2018
TO: MNA Citizens, Locals, Regions and Provincial Council
FROM: Audrey Poitras, MNA President
DATE: May 16, 2018
RE: Construction of Métis Cultural Gathering Centre – Opportunities for Métis Citizens/General Contractors/Suppliers
The Métis Crossing Cultural Gathering Centre will begin construction this summer. One of the priorities for the construction of the project is to maximize opportunities for our Métis citizens, suppliers and contractors to participate. The Métis Crossing Advisory Committee (MCAC) is requesting the assistance of MNA Regions and Affiliates to achieve this priority.
Step One: Will be an invitational bid process, meaning the tender package will be sent to seven (7) General Contractors (GC) to bid on the job. Subcontractors and suppliers will be invited to bid to the selected General Contractors.
To ensure that we include our Métis General Contractors in this invitation, the MCAC requests your assistance to identify Métis General Contractors that can provide a 50% Performance Bond for a $10,000,000 construction project.
Please forward their names to Juanita Marois, the Métis Crossing Development Manager (, and she will ensure that they are included in the invitational process. All names of General Contractors must be to Juanita by Thursday, May 24, 2018 to be included.
Step Two: Once the seven (7) General Contractors have been invited, this list will be circulated to each Region and Affiliate, as well as posted on our MNA and Métis Crossing websites. The MCAC will again request your assistance to encourage Métis citizens and subcontractors to contact each GC directly to be included in their bids. We will also be requesting that these GCs access the new Métis Contractor Database.
Feel free to circulate this request, and ensure that Juanita Marois receives the names of the Métis General Contractors by Thursday, May 24, 2018. You can reach Juanita at or by phone at (780) 722-1993.
Audrey Poitras