Independent Third Party Review of the Métis Nation of Alberta Métis Judiciary Council - Online Feedback
Posted on: Jun 29, 2016
Deloitte is conducting a complete, comprehensive and independent review of the Métis Judiciary Council (MJC) which includes consultation on the possible re-design of the Métis judicial process. A key priority is that the operations and decisions of the MJC are considered to be at the highest judicial standard.
The purpose of this review is to determine the adequacy of MJC’s work including but not limited to: how matters are brought forward, MJC powers and rights of the parties involved, and the adequacy of previous decisions. All information is being compiled by Deloitte independently.
In order to garner community member input into the review process, Deloitte conducted community consultation workshops across the province and is also offering members a chance to provide feedback online. The deadline for online feedback is Tuesday, July 12 to ensure adequate time for synthesizing feedback into the final MJC Review Report, which will be presented at the 88th Annual General Assembly in August.
Online feedback is now closed. We thank everyone who participated in this process!