A Laudable Change: The NDP Victory in Alberta - A Message from Métis Nation of Alberta President, Audrey Poitras
Posted on: Apr 06, 2015
Edmonton, Alberta – April 6, 2015
On behalf of the Métis Nation of Alberta I would like to take a moment to congratulate Alberta’s new Majority NDP Government. The May fifth election was nothing short of a political game-changer and the MNA is thrilled to have the opportunity to forge meaningful social and economic change alongside the Alberta NDP.
From Tommy Douglas who instituted our beloved Medicare system to Jack Layton who decried Conservative policies, the NDP boasts a repertoire of benevolent revolutionaries. Premier Notley’s spirit is true to this progressive legacy, which was witnessed through her promise to incite change in Alberta. The Métis Nation celebrates this revolutionary ideal and embraces the opportunity to work with Premier Notley and the Alberta NDP to pursue the advancement of education, health, and rights for The Alberta Métis community.
Current Métis Nation of Alberta priorities include working toward a sophisticated consultation policy that mandates the consultation of Métis communities in areas proposed for industrial development, minimizing the education achievement gap between Metis and non-Aboriginal students, improving healthcare outcomes for the Métis community through the development of the first Metis health care clinic in Canada, and stimulating economic advancement within Métis communities.
These pressing social and economic issues are priorities for both the MNA and NDP and the MNA is confident that these shared concerns will work to forge an iron-clad alliance