Registry and citizenship with the Métis Nation of Alberta is based upon the National Definition of Métis, which was passed in August 2003 at the Annual General Assembly in Edmonton.
- Definition: “Métis means a person who self-identifies as Metis, is distinct from other Aboriginal peoples, is of historic Métis Nation Ancestry and who is accepted by the Métis Nation”
- Historical Proof: refers to evidence of an ancestor who received a land grant or a scrip granted under the Manitoba Act or the Dominion Lands Act, or who was recognized as Métis in other government, church or community records.
- Historic Métis Nation: refers to the Aboriginal people then known as Métis or half-breeds who resided in the Historic Métis Nation Homeland.
- Historic Métis Nation Homeland: is the area of land in the west-central North America used and occupied as the traditional territory of the Métis or Half-breeds as they were then known.
- Métis Nation: means Aboriginal people descended from the Historic Métis Nation, which is now comprised of all Métis Nation peoples and is one of the “aboriginal peoples of Canada” within the meaning of s.35 of the Constitution Act 1982.
- Distinct from other Aboriginal peoples: means distinct for cultural and nationhood purpose.