Ratification Process
The 94th Métis Nation of Alberta Annual General Assembly resolved that the final draft of the Otipemisiwak Métis Government Constitution was approved to be voted on by MNA citizens. As a result, the MNA will hold a province-wide ratification vote beginning November 1st and ending on November 30th, 2022.
The ballot asks a simple “Yes” or “No” question: “Are you in favour of ratifying the Otipemisiwak Métis Government Constitution?”
Del Graff, a citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta, was appointed Chief Electoral Officer to oversee the ratification vote and ensure the independence of the electoral process.
As part of the ratification vote process, 11 information sessions were held by the MNA’s Constitution Commission across the province through the month of October.
Every MNA citizen on the Voters List was mailed a voter information card, a copy of the Notice of Vote, a mail-in ballot package, and instructions for how to review the Constitution online.
Any registered citizen of the MNA aged 16 or older as of November 30th, 2022, is eligible to vote. Voters will need to verify their identity by providing a valid MNA card or piece of provincial photo ID at a polling location. If voting by mail, citizens must complete a voter declaration and have it witnessed. And if voting online, citizens will complete a voter identification authentication and verification process.
This vote is historic. We are encouraging every eligible citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta to participate in making history. We encourage MNA citizens to exercise their democratic right by casting their ballot and make their voice heard.