Do you work in the energy sector or have thoughts about the transition away from fossil fuels?

We partnered with Iron and Earth and hosted small group discussions in communities across Alberta affected by the changing economy and the transition away from non-renewable energy sources. Traditional decision-making often overlooks the needs and interests of fossil fuel workers, Indigenous peoples, and our communities. The sessions aimed to cut through the noise by engaging in discussions specific to the Citizens of the Otipemisiwak Métis Government.

All Citizens of the Otipemisiwak Métis Government were invited for conversation about where our energy comes from, the changing climate and how we advocate for Métis needs.

Did you miss the Energy and Climate Community Engagement Sessions? We would still like to hear from you!

Share your perspective by filling out our survey: : ECC and Iron & Earth Energy and Climate Online Survey 2024 – Google Forms

If you have any questions, please contact