For general inquiries
Please complete the following contact form:
Provincial Office Contact Information
Provincial Office
#100 Delia Gray Building
11738 Kingsway Avenue NW
Edmonton Alberta
T5G 0X5
Phone 780-455-2200
Toll Free 1-877-454-0684
Andrea Sandmaier
Women’s Representative
Tai Amy Grauman
Youth Representative
Rebecca Lavallee
Métis Nation within Alberta Social Commenting Policy
The Métis Nation within Alberta strives to keep our comment section open and welcoming to all opinions, thoughts, and ideas. The comment section is a place where users may reach out to ask basic questions about programs, services or to be directed to the appropriate contact. We aim to provide a safe and positive space for people by promoting equity, diversity, and dignity to all and encourage users to participate in discussions.
The MNA will only delete/hide comments or block accounts/people if the content meets any of the following criteria:
- racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise hateful
- aggressive, violent, or threatening
- obscene or pornographic
- encourages criminal activity
- contains private information (phone numbers, email addresses or other identifying information)
- posted for advertising purposes
- spam content (the same comment posted repeatedly in the same post or on multiple posts)
- unproven or inaccurate claims
- political party messages
Moderators may also remove other comments they feel threatens the safe and free discourse about Indigenous culture, history, ways of life and MNA programs and supports on MNA social media channels.
Re-occurring violations of this policy may lead to a user being permanently blocked from commenting.