MNA Consultation Policy Technical Working Group Update - July 2016
Posted on: Jul 26, 2016
July 12, 2016 Meeting Update
Based on feedback collected during the July 6th & 7th MNA Provincial Council meeting, the July 12, 2016 TWG meeting focused its discussions on the finalization of a draft MNA Consultation Principles document, titled “Statement of Principles on Crown Consultation and Accommodation with Métis in Alberta”.
After edits, the draft will be circulated prior to the August MNA AGA, where it will be presented to the MNA membership on August 5th. The TWG also discussed the preparation of a presentation for the AGA.
Next steps include presenting the Statement of Principles document to the MNA AGA and once approvals and direction are provided by MNA members, the TWG will take the collected feedback, make any appropriate edits and begin to move to the next phase in the Metis consultation policy development process with the Government of Alberta.
Next Meeting
The TWG has not scheduled a follow up face to face meeting but will likely meet following the AGA to discuss next steps after receiving direction from the membership.
The TWG may hold one last teleconference prior to the AGA for final agreement on the Principles document and to confirm a communications strategy including posts on social media to create awareness.